Monday, January 14, 2008

Ball To Ball Contact Part 2 (Tips & Trick) "Chapter5"

Figure 8 shows the most important ball-to-ball contact in the game of billiards. It is the half-ball stroke, and is made by aiming through the centre of your ball to the extreme edge of the object-ball. If you do this and strike your ball truly in its centre, the angle your ball will take after contact with the object-ball is known as the natural angle. It never varies unless you use side, screw, or forcing strength, and is in such constant request that I suppose I must score more than half my points in match play by the half-ball stroke, or very slight departures from it. Apart from its scoring value, however, the half-ball stroke serves as a standard of comparison for countless other shots. We speak of a shot being "wider" than a half-ball, or "narrower" than a half-ball, and although it is correct to say that the angle of departure after contact is more obtuse or more acute than the true half-ball, yet I prefer the "wider" and "narrower" familiar to generations of cue-men. Read More Download Chapter5.rar