Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Download Capter 9.rar

After your work with the red ball, which you must persevere with even if it is irksome to begin with, you may relax for a while by turning temporarily to a few shots of a more spectacular type. The first of these will test two things-your power of cue and the quality of the cushions of the table on which you play the shot. Figure 29 shows the stroke. The cue-ball is 9 1/2 inches from the side cushion, and a foot from the baulk cushion. The first object-ball is 9 inches from the side cushion and a foot from the cue-ball. The red is 7 inches from the top cushion and 11 inches from the side cushion. By playing to the right of the object-ball, you can make a simple two-cushion cannon via the side and top cushions.